About Me

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Im am a full time student at EMCC. I have this semester and then all of next year to finish my degree. When I done school I will have an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education and I will have or be close to my Ed Tech 3. I enjoy being around my family and friends. My best friends family is very important to me and I love those kids. Im not shy, or laid back, and I am up for anything.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Re-Wrire: Week 11 Theme

That's what happens when I think of you

That's what I do when you walk away

Why do you love me and then when things go bad you walk away? We love each other like siblings love their parents, but as soon as things go astray you walk away.

Love me
Hate me
Let me go

Love me
Hate me
Let me go


  1. Week 11 asks you to write in a way that allows the words to carry more than their usual weight. Here, each word carries its weight, means exactly what it says. The material is completely open, honest, clear. Week 11 asks you to be a little sneaky.

    What if instead of telling us about this difficult relationship, you simply tried a dialogue with this person or described driving into town with this person--would some of the issues you lay out here somehow find their way into the writing, sort of through the backdoor?

  2. apparently i just dont get this assignment, but i will try ur suggestion and see how it goes.
