About Me

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Im am a full time student at EMCC. I have this semester and then all of next year to finish my degree. When I done school I will have an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education and I will have or be close to my Ed Tech 3. I enjoy being around my family and friends. My best friends family is very important to me and I love those kids. Im not shy, or laid back, and I am up for anything.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Week 8

*Given the topic I choose, I decided to leave out his name and things prolonging to his condition*

Today I woke up in the happy mood that I always do after sleep. I feel wonderful and try to remember the dream that was so great that I never wanted to wake up. I look at the clock and it read 9:30 am. I suppose that I should get up and get those "To Do List" items taken care of before work.

I got the dishes done, the floors swept, the kittens litter box cleaned and replenished, and my shower done. Now I was making my way to my room to get that organized when the phone rang. I answered it. "Hello", "Yes, is Alicia there?" I said that was me. "OH, good. I have you listed as an emergency contact for T____ S____, is that correct, the man asked me". "Yes I am, I'm his Goddaughter, is there a problem with him?" The gentlemen filled me in on what had happened.

The operator had called me and told me that my Godfather was walking down his porch steps and had collapsed. There was a neighbor that found him and called the paramedics. They have rushed him to the Emergency Room in Bangor, that was around 11:00 am and the operator told me that I should get there as soon as I can. Because they need information from me about him.

I called Brandon at work and told him what was going on. He told me to stay where I was that he was coming home and we would go up together. Then I called the Daycare where the kids were at and told them the situation and asked if someone could bring the kids to the house right away. They said they were already loaded in the car by the time we had hung up. Almost the time Brandon got home so did the kids. I found my Godfathers will and the legal documents I though I might need in the safety deposit box and we jumped in the car ans was off.

We arrived at the hospital and before we could see him they told us what his current state was and that they need to talk to the emergency contact that he had. That was me, so I followed the receptionist to her office and gave her what she needed. Brandon and the kids were in the waiting area, waiting for me. The nurse came over and had me fill out paperwork and told me when the doctor was through his exam that he would come talk to us.

That felt like hours even though it had been only thirty minutes. The doctor told us that he suffered from a particular brain hemorrhage. The next 24 hours they would monitor his condtion, but they didn't think that he would make it through the night. I about hit the floor and started sobbing. I remember Brandon asking the doctor a few questions and then thanking him. I also heard the doctor say he would be back later to check on him and us.

Brandon was the first to go in and see him. The children next to say there goodbyes and Brandon and I knew that he would be gone by morning. I called the babysitter that Brandon and I use to inform her of what had happened and to see if she would come to the hospital to take the children back home (they had no reason to stay there all night). She agreed and knew that we were staying and that she needed to stay the night and possibly tomorrow too. I told her that the children didn't need to go to daycare and I would call the school in the morning to let them know.

Once I made that call I called my Godfathers daughter, she was a couple hours away and was leaving for Bangor as we hung up. I didn't give her all the details as I knew she would be driving. The babysitter came and took the kids away. That is when I went to see him. Brandon kissed my forehead and said he would be right outside if I needed him. I grabbed the chair by the window and moved it closer to his bed. I grabbed his hand and started to gently rub my hand in his. He was medicated so he was completely out of it but to me he looked like he was still in pain.

I sat for a while with him not saying a word. But towards it being close to an hour I got up and kissed him goodbye, Said that he would be missed and that I loved him very much. I whispered something in his ear and left the room. His daughter was sitting next to Brandon when I came out. I gave her a big hug and kiss and filled her in on what was happening. She went in the room with him. I sat next to Brandon still crying. She was in their with him for a while. Eventually she came out when the doctor came to give us an update. She and I completely lost it as the doctor told us that with his rhythms he would only have a couple of hours left. Brandon was being strong but I knew that he was only holding it together for me and for my godfathers daughter.

If you are wondering what I whispered to him, then this is it: "Uncle T___, I hope that you can hear me and know that you are going to be missed and that you would have had another baby to look after if you were better. Know that this baby that I am carrying will always know about you and all that you have given to my life. Love you always and know that you are in our hearts always"

We alternated going in to sit with him for the next few hours. He never came off of the medication so he may not of known that we were there. As we were getting coffee from the vending machine the nurses and doctor raced to his room. We knew at that point that we had lost him as his wish was to have us follow his DNR. The doctor gave his call and told us that he had passed on. That was at 10:38 pm.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 7: Structure, Profile, Lecture

Today a women stands and she is crying. She sent her first child to school in 1995. Today her fourth child is going off to school in 2010. 2 more are scattered in there among the years. Today she crys because her baby is off to school and because she is finally free to presue other things.

She has been through the seperation of her parents, has now included step-parents and step-siblings to her life. She has brought in 4 beasutiful children. Been though divorce herself and is been married now for 6 years and going strong.

I spent more time at her house with her daughter who is my best friend then I ever did at my house when we were growing up. She has taught us to tell the truth, be kind, be honest, be loyal, be respectful, to know right from wrong, and to love.

No matter what she faced as a child or as a young adult, she doesn't let that effect what she does for her own 4 kids plus me. She loves us all, treats us well, and nutrues us. She has become the second-mom children dream about having and I am grateful that she is mine.

She would give her life to help somebody else in need and may not always have the money to do so, but will find others ways to make that dream a realilty. She is a one-of-a-kind women.

A daughter, sister, aunt, mother, friend, family-friend, soul-searcher, and lovable gold hearted women in my life. Love her always and forever.........

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week 6: Autobiography; Imagination

I'm a child that suffers from Asthma. I was diagnosed with this life-threatning condition when I was 5 years old. As I was tols there are many different types or kinds of Asthma. I have what is called "Exercise Enduced" Asthma. Which means when I do extensive physical activities my asthma would get out of control.

I live in a small town outside of Bucksport. It's called "Orland". I have lived here in this town for the past 20 years, alomost 21 years. I went to school in a K-8 school. There were many things wrong with this school, but one of the major problems were the dust, dander, powders that were use for cleaning, ect. That stuff made my asthma flair up all the time even if I was sitting at my desk.

When I was about 8 years old we (my family and I) were camping down at the local campground and I was running the loop with the friends I had made that summer and my asthma kicked into high gear. I was frantic because I could not find my inhaler. I came inside the camper and told my mom who went into the bathroom to get the spare she ketp there... She couldn't find it. She had me sit at the table and drink so water while she searched around. Nope, still missing. She grabbed my hand, put me in the car, and we race to our house. God thing it was only about a 20 minute car ride. When we got home she grabbed an inhaler from the bathroom counter draw and I puffed on the medicine. In the end I was able to breath again.

Since that night my mom had instilled in my head that when ever I leave the house that I make sure that I always have an inhaler in my bag, pocket, or purse.

Now today I am almost 21 years old and have sort of grown out of my asthma. The only time I need my inhaler is in the winter time when I get sick. And when I go to the doctors for a physical they have me blow in there asthma checker just to make sure my lungs are healthy.

*Remeber that allergies and asthma can play together so if your son or daughter experience difficulties breathing please, please get them checked out. *

Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 5

I have lived in the same spot for the last 20 years now. Well, every year about this time I get as my co-workers would say "giddy". This is the time of year that people show different sides of themselves. They are giving, caring, emotional (in a good way), and happy. I love the season of Christmas.

I come from a big family. There are five that live in my household, one of them is me. My mom had a medium sized family and my dad had a large one. He alone has 6 brothers, a step-brother, and a step-sister. Anyways, every year we have holiday traditions that are followed to a tee. We have dinner at my grandparents (moms parents) on Christmas Eve and we also open presents from them. On Christmas we open presents at my house and then go to the other grandparents house and open presents from them and have a big brunch.

Everybody gets up early except for me on Christmas because I just want to sleep regardless of the day. Once I do get up we have breakfast and then open presents. Once evey present has been opened we clear away trash and dishes from breakfast. then we put away presents.

This past Christmas was different. I stayed with my best friend. The families were gone to spend the holidays elswhere and we had the house to ourselves. Noelle and I grabbed food at the store, movies from the movie place, and dessert from the bakery. When we were back at her house and the groceries put away we popped in a movie to relax and start our Christmas off with a bang.

Christmas Eve we spent watching movies and T.V, we baked a little , and decorated the Christmas tree. When we said goodnight we wrapped one-anothers gifts and would put them under the tree in the morning. Our boyfriends that Christmas came over around 6pm to have Christmas dinner with us.

We had meatloaf and mashed potatoes for dinner. We sat around eating, drinking, rememboring the good times. When the dishes were done (thanks to the guys) Noelle and I served dessert: Pumpkin Pie with Whipped Cream. We took our dessert into the living room to relax. When finished we opened presents. I got Noelle: a Viking's football shirt, make-up, and a locket. She got me: new flip-flops, a new wallet, and I locket. The lockets were both the same and we had put pictures in them. Mine and my mom and her mom in there. I had put pictures of her mom and her grandmother who passed when we were young in hers.

The guys took us seperetly to give us the gifts they got us. They had planned this little surprise and both got us an engagment ring. Brandon propsed to me and Ricky proposed to Noelle. I was so shocked and so was she. They told us that because we were best friends and had been for so many years that they wanted to give us a gift that we could share together but also sepretly. It was the best Christmas yet so far.

Week 4: Re-write

You love me, you don't love me. You love me, you don"t love me. This goes on and on until there are no more petals for me to pull off. I sit here on the swing overlooking the lake and think to myself: "Am I ever going to find a boyfriend?"

My twin sister was inside the house and came outside to sit with me. We were talking about girl stuff: boys, clothes, school, sports. The usual stuff we always talked about. She asked me what I was doing up here. I told her that I was wishing upon a daisy. She ooke dat me funny.

She disappears into the day and I sit there wondering what would life be like if I was just older. Would there be guys, money, school, children. I swear I'm older than I really was. I always and still do look for what is to come.

You love me, you don't love me. Is that the question? I sit and stare out into the unknown and think to myself what is out there. I snap back into reality when I heard a noise come from behind me.

It was my sister. She had gone out and found me a daisy to pluck the petals and says: "Whatever your thinking it will come true one day. But right know mom wants us to come inside for dinner." As I walk to the house with her I am thinkg that I hope she is right one day.