About Me

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Im am a full time student at EMCC. I have this semester and then all of next year to finish my degree. When I done school I will have an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education and I will have or be close to my Ed Tech 3. I enjoy being around my family and friends. My best friends family is very important to me and I love those kids. Im not shy, or laid back, and I am up for anything.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week 6: Autobiography; Imagination

I'm a child that suffers from Asthma. I was diagnosed with this life-threatning condition when I was 5 years old. As I was tols there are many different types or kinds of Asthma. I have what is called "Exercise Enduced" Asthma. Which means when I do extensive physical activities my asthma would get out of control.

I live in a small town outside of Bucksport. It's called "Orland". I have lived here in this town for the past 20 years, alomost 21 years. I went to school in a K-8 school. There were many things wrong with this school, but one of the major problems were the dust, dander, powders that were use for cleaning, ect. That stuff made my asthma flair up all the time even if I was sitting at my desk.

When I was about 8 years old we (my family and I) were camping down at the local campground and I was running the loop with the friends I had made that summer and my asthma kicked into high gear. I was frantic because I could not find my inhaler. I came inside the camper and told my mom who went into the bathroom to get the spare she ketp there... She couldn't find it. She had me sit at the table and drink so water while she searched around. Nope, still missing. She grabbed my hand, put me in the car, and we race to our house. God thing it was only about a 20 minute car ride. When we got home she grabbed an inhaler from the bathroom counter draw and I puffed on the medicine. In the end I was able to breath again.

Since that night my mom had instilled in my head that when ever I leave the house that I make sure that I always have an inhaler in my bag, pocket, or purse.

Now today I am almost 21 years old and have sort of grown out of my asthma. The only time I need my inhaler is in the winter time when I get sick. And when I go to the doctors for a physical they have me blow in there asthma checker just to make sure my lungs are healthy.

*Remeber that allergies and asthma can play together so if your son or daughter experience difficulties breathing please, please get them checked out. *


  1. Sure, that's the idea--you give us a long stretch of life, a story, then bring it right down to the present. My beef would be with the asterisked last graf--a reminder like that belongs in an article about asthma but we don't read this looking for information and advice.

    And...the third word of the essay is wrong (I hope!) unless the sentence is describing your relationship to your parents!

  2. okay. I see ur point. Do you want a re-write?

    * by the way, Ive been having some internet problems so I hope you are able to get my work. If something is missing please let me know so I can re post it when I get to school *

  3. Trust me, I'll ask if I want a rewrite--this doesn't need one at all. So far, what I see is weeks 1-6.
